Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bed Bug Treatment

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108
One of the many reasons that bed bug infestations go unnoticed is that people think their bites are caused by spiders, mosquitos or fleas; or that they’re having no reaction to the bites at all. Only to later find a huge population of bed bugs tucked away in some dark and secluded place. 

Once infestations hit this level you can be assured that a bed bug has hitch hiked to other areas of the home. Infesting other bedrooms, the living room and any other area where people sleep or take nice long naps. 

Kill Bed Bugs

Treatment $390 
(818) 585-9108
Bed bugs feed exclusively on blood, every 5 to 7 days. They feed and gorge on mostly humans while we are at our deepest sleep, usually going unnoticed by the host. 

Our carbon dioxide, when we breathe, and the heat that we produce is what bed bugs are attracted to. Nymphs, young bed bugs, need to immediately feed. 

With each blood meal they molt, shed their skin, and they must molt 5 times before becoming an adult, mating and reproducing.

The saying goes, it’s never just one bed bug. The spread of bed bugs happens rapidly. One female can lay one to five eggs per day and up to 500 within her lifetime. She uses a clear substance to attach them in cracks and rough surfaces. The eggs are very tiny hardly able to see with the naked eye. Eggs are sticky, white and laid in clusters. 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Bed Bug Infestation

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108

This image is a close up of bed bug infestation on a fitted sheet. One of the worst infestations that you will ever see. 
Every nook and cranny was covered in bed bugs; literally thousands of bugs in a small studio apartment 
The tenant was elderly and unaware that she was being eaten alive at night by these little vampires.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Colony of Bed Bugs Hidden Under Couch

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108
What your looking at is a colony of bed bugs on the underside of a couch in a home in Fresno. Full of all your bed bug feces, exoskeletons, bed bug eggs and the bed bugs themselves. All the little white dots are the bed  bug eggs.

It's not very often that people would think about checking the underside of their couch for infestations of bugs. That's how bed bugs go unnoticed for such long periods of time. They are great at hiding close enough to feed but just out of sight. 

Bed Bugs From One Infested Bed Frame

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108
These are all bed bugs! Taken from one metal frame in a home in Los Angeles. Typically you won't find too many bed bugs nestled in a metal frame unless you have a major infestation on your hands. Metal is not a bed bugs first choice of harborage areas.

You can imagine what the mattress and box springs looked like. Their were literally hundreds if not thousands of bed bugs feeding on the unwilling victims at night. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Dead Bed Bugs

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108

Bed Bugs caught in climb-up interceptors, where interceptors are placed under bed posts. Bed bugs trying to feed at night, climb up the exterior wall and fall into a slippery slope inner wall where they cannot escape.

This apartment was serviced by our team of expert bed bug exterminators, who know how to kill bed bugs. After the full treatment the tenants have not had any more trouble with bed bugs and have all the necessary information and knowledge to remain bed bug free.

Bed Bug and Eggs in Headboard

Treatment $390
(818) 585-9108
Bed Bug in corner of headboard. All the little white spots in the corner and on the left side of the image are bed bug eggs. This whole headboard was full of bed bugs and eggs.

The people sleeping in the bed had no idea that their headboard was full of bed bugs.

The headboard was actually separated from the frame, but there were three pillows leaning up against the headboard. This made it a perfect hiding place for the bed bugs and a quick access to their host.