Saturday, April 23, 2016

Kill Bed Bugs

Treatment $390 
(818) 585-9108
Bed bugs feed exclusively on blood, every 5 to 7 days. They feed and gorge on mostly humans while we are at our deepest sleep, usually going unnoticed by the host. 

Our carbon dioxide, when we breathe, and the heat that we produce is what bed bugs are attracted to. Nymphs, young bed bugs, need to immediately feed. 

With each blood meal they molt, shed their skin, and they must molt 5 times before becoming an adult, mating and reproducing.

The saying goes, it’s never just one bed bug. The spread of bed bugs happens rapidly. One female can lay one to five eggs per day and up to 500 within her lifetime. She uses a clear substance to attach them in cracks and rough surfaces. The eggs are very tiny hardly able to see with the naked eye. Eggs are sticky, white and laid in clusters. 


  1. Thanks for this information. Keep updating.If you haven’t been afflicted yet, Bed Bugs, those pests from the old nursery rhyme are coming back to Phoenix, Arizona! These pesky little “suckers,” or Bed Bugs, are in Phoenix, AZ, to suck blood from people and their pets — through glands in their heads that generate anticoagulants to keep the host’s (your!) blood vessels or capillaries dilated, thereby keeping the (your!) blood flowing!
    Bed Bugs Phoenix

  2. Bed bugs treatment services of Wolfxpest is excellent. I am immensely benefited by your services. Thanks a lot. I will share with you the previous bed bugs pictures in our house. Now My house is totally bed bugs free.

  3. Great blog! It was worth the read. I have always been wary of using chemicals on them, and it seems like I have the best solution now. I am definitely going to try out the Natural bed bug spray on them. Thanks
